Train With Brain Programme
Mini´s: aging 3
Jumping with both feet from a box/bench (evaluation of balance)
Midi´s: aging 4-5
3 colour traffic light game (perception / knowledge regarding road traffic)
Maxi´s: aging 6-7
Color koordination-ABC game (logical reasoning)
Using knowledge about the developmental areas and stages of children, Train-with-Brain tries – by incorporating playful aspects e.g. playing football – to promote and stabilise these age-specific abilities.
Another goal is to prepare the children by shaping them mentally, physically and socially for entry into school. Here the social interaction and cooperative behaviour of the children is taken into account.
In many cases the aforementioned behaviour is not to be found at school entry level. The reason given is that children never had to or could not learn this behaviour. In our training sessions we therefore place an emphasis on achieving these social-oriented goals. According to scientific findings children aged between three and seven have no marked social perspectives. In many cases they learn these social experiences in groups or at play.
The sports class is one of the most important institutions for learning social interactions at this age. We mainly take into consideration physical activity in our sports programme and how the small children interact with each other and learn a cooperative and considerate approach through this.
It is a basic requirement for integration later on in everyday school life! The pedagogical model practised by us has a further goal of creating an understanding of shared experiences.
Therefore, after many training sessions, a class discussion takes place so that a child can be shown how his or her behaviour related to overall cooperation within the group.
In this way the children are better able to understand, reflect and where appropriate, modify their behaviour.